I was recently given 8 balls of 'Kinair' by Filatura de Crosa, in white. It reminds me of Kid Silk Haze - it has similar yardage but is a little softer to handle and not quite as 'fuzzy'. What to knit?

Since it came from a friend in the Shetland Isles, I thought that a lace shawl could be an idea. having been inspired completing 'Birch' this spring, I was ready to tackle another project. As you can probably tell from the ball price in the picture above, this has been stashed for a while, so I am looking forward to knitting it up.
I have looked at the Gathering of Lace book by Meg Swansen to see if any patterns there would suit the amount I have. One possible option is the circular Shetland Tea Shawl, which seems appropriate enough. However, I am attracted by the Traditional Lace Shawl book by Martha Waterman, although I do not have a copy. Has anyone used patterns from this book and could you recommend it?