This wasn't a good time of year to start blogging, I think. I have a growing pile of assignments to mark and lots of preparation for summer teaching to get underway (no long break for us nursing lecturers, unfortunately!). Yet I still want to knit and talk about knitting in preference to working. I need some discipline.
I have just finished knitting Birch from Rowan 34. It started when I needed to buy an extra ball of Kidsilk Night to cast off about 100 stitches of the Froth scarf that was the free gift pattern from Rowan a few months ago. I was knitting it a second time for a gift.

I was left with almost a full ball and thought it would be a good idea to buy 2 more and cast on for Birch (which I had always fancied knitting). After getting one third of the way through the shawl I had only one ball left:
I have just finished knitting Birch from Rowan 34. It started when I needed to buy an extra ball of Kidsilk Night to cast off about 100 stitches of the Froth scarf that was the free gift pattern from Rowan a few months ago. I was knitting it a second time for a gift.

I was left with almost a full ball and thought it would be a good idea to buy 2 more and cast on for Birch (which I had always fancied knitting). After getting one third of the way through the shawl I had only one ball left:
So off I went to buy another ball of yarn to complete the last few pattern repeats. Now I have about 3/4 of a ball left. Am I the only one who would find that frustrating? After all I was only trying not to waste yarn in the first place! I do, however, love my shawl. It is larger than I had imagined when blocked out to the proportions stated in the pattern. Now I only need somewhere to go and something glamorous to wear with it!
Time for a bit of colour - this is what is next for the needles:
Anyone guess what it is?
Welcome to the blogosphere. Found you by a comment you made on Twelfth Knit.
If you're interested you can find the post on my blog on Jan 3
Bad luck on trying to get the most of your yarn and then ending up with extras, that would frustrate me too if I was trying to be sensible and use up bits. You're kind of back where you started.