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Showing posts from February, 2018

A Year of Techniques - September, October and November 2017

September saw the publication of the Year of Techniques book - in a way it turned out to be bittersweet. The surprise element that had been so much part of the experience had gone as we were able to see the remaining six patterns, yarns and techniques. While each of these were super patterns, there was, for me, a sense of very slight detachment from the forums as there was no longer the excitement of guessing the technique and designer. In reality, the mystery phobic me had turned out to be someone who found that actually, mysteries were not that bad after all! The book itself was perfectly formed - and it was so good to have a step by step photographic reference to the techniques alongside the patterns themselves. Clearly laid out and very engaging, it will be a go to source to refresh my memory about the techniques in the future. Indeed, the accumulation and integration of several of the new techniques in subsequent patterns meant that having the physical book for the last six mo...

A Year of Techniques - June, July and August 2017

The next techniques and patterns introduced me to new challenges and to new yarn and I was really enjoying the anticipation and surprise and the camaraderie and support on the Ravelry threads for each project. The accompanying videos were so clear and informative you were never at a loss for direction. Knitted on edging - this was the first real hurdle for me. I tried the cast on several times before I was happy and did proceed to knit the whole hat, mastering the complex lace repeats until I reached the edging. To be honest, I did not complete the project and block it to ensure that it was the right size. I tried it on and it was too small before the edging was added. I had to be really honest with myself and acknowledge that I was unlikely to wear the hat and thus it would probably be wiser to quit while ahead, and reuse the yarn in another project. This is did successfully within a couple of months, but more on that later. Turning a heel - I have knitted many pairs of...

A Year of Techniques - March, April and May 2017

For a long time I avoided knit-a-longs, and in particular mystery knit-a-longs. I'm the sort of person who quite likes to know what I am going to get, and although I nearly always admired the end result when I saw pictures of the finished objects, and thought that if I had seen the picture first, I might have joined in. I envied those who could blithely trust the designers to produce a worthy design. So when I heard of  A Year of Techniques (AYotT) I wondered who could commit to a year of projects without knowing exactly what they were getting into. A few weeks passed and gradually I began to realise that this was just what I needed. I signed up in February in the middle of trying to deal with Mum’s confusion and inability to recognise me. I was finding it hard to concentrate on any crafting or knitting, but recognised that I desperately needed the therapy that only yarn and needles can deliver to the confirmed knitter. So, AYoT came along at just the right time - a pattern a...

Living in negative space

I've been thinking about so many things lately. Almost a year and a half ago, my Mum moved in with us, into a purpose built extension that we hoped would accommodate her increasing need for support and care. That is all good, and we are so glad she is with us now. What was not so good was her diagnosis of Lewy Body Disease (LBD) six months later after one of the most emotionally traumatic 6 months of our shared lives. In so many ways, I am still processing the feelings and responses that have resulted from this and that are still emerging in the ongoing aftermath as we negotiate treatment and care. I have written down my thoughts and tried to distil my feelings into a tangible form - to get them fixed on paper and out of a mind that frequently feels like a turbulent snow globe. Over time I may share these as they begin to make sense and some kind of reason percolates through. In the meantime, the best way I have found to describe what my like feels like is to say I am living...